Project deliverables  

State of the Art report
A summary of the scientific state-of-art methods and models, policy analysis and review of relevant ongoing initiatives

PDF State of the Art report
D7 Algorithm Theoretical Baseline Documents (ATBDs)
A specification of the EO algorithms and ecosystem account models implemented for the selected demonstrators

Ecosystem Extent
Ecosystem Coastal condition
Ecosystem Forest condition
Ecosystem Wood provision service
Ecosystem nature-based tourism service

D8 Documentation associated to the developed processor/toolbox/software Access Manual Aries4People
User Manual Aries4People
D11 Communication website

D12a Aries4People application: webinar video with sections and subtitles.
Note access to the application is restricted to Early Adopters.
Link to recording.
(Contributing authors: Alessio Bulckaen, Caterina Gilli, Flip Boonen)
D12b International Workshop Athens
D13 User manual Link to User Handbook
D14 Policy Highlights - Short graphical documents for Policy Stakeholders Policy Highlights
D19 Evolution Roadmap Evolution Roadmap
D20 Final report - A final report providing a complete self-standing description of all the work done during the study Final Report
D22a Peer-reviewed scientific publication - Scientific paper in high impact international scientific journal, which maximizes the scientific return of the project. 

The role of EO in ecosystem accounting: A review of advances, challenges and future directions. 
Kokkoris, I.P., Smets, B., Hein, L., Mallinis, G., Buchhorn, M., Balbi, S., Cernecky, J., Paganini, M., Dimopoulos, P. (2024). Applying earth observation for ecosystem accounting Ecosystem Services.

D22b White paper to the London working group on ecosystem accounting