Demonstrator Accounts

Several ecosystem accounts using Earth Observation data are demonstrated for the five European countries, represented by the Early Adopters.

Account Description Tool
Ecosystem Extent Account Record the size of a contiguous space of a specific ecosystem type (the landscape) in terms of spatial area. World Ecosystem Extent Dynamics Solution (upcoming)
Forest Condition Account Record the condition of forest ecosystems in terms of selected biotic (living) and abiotic (physical) characteristics. ARIES4People Explorer
Coastal Condition Account

Record the share of artificial impervious area cover within coastal ecosystems.

Offline, available on request
Wood Provision Service Account Record the ecosystem contribution to the growth of trees and other woody biomass made available for the forestry industry. Offline, available on request
Nature Based Tourism Account Record the contributions that ecosystems make, through their biophysical characteristics and quality, to enable people to use and enjoy the environment.  INCA Tool

A sixth ecosystem account: the global climate regulation ecosystem service, was explored but the accounts could not be demonstrated due to limitations found in the Earth Observation input datasets. A report has been written and communicated with the data providers. 

Ecosystem Account Greece Italy Norway Slovakia the Netherlands
Ecosystem Extent x     x  
Forest ecosystem condition x x x x x
Coastal ecosystem condition x x     x
Wood provision ecosystem service x x x x  
Nature-based tourism ecosystem service x   x